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Together we can make a difference

Be the reason somebody smiles today!



   One summer day I was shopping for bed sheets and questioned how families in need afford these items. In doing some research I discovered there are not many places to go to get sheets, pans, laundry detergent, etc. There are food pantries, places to get clothing, but the everyday essentials are hard to find. This is where the actual “Kindness Closet” began. I spoke with my principal and asked if we had a space we could use to gather items if I could get some donations. We found a small closet within our cafeteria that we could use for these items. I started buying everyday household items as I saw them on sale or had coupons. I went to a few local businesses asking for any donation possible. These were not large donations, a $30 gift card to Walmart and a $25 Visa gift card. A few local businesses really stepped up and helped us out. They put out bins asking for donations, one that makes paper products donationed a large amount of toilet paper, paper towels and tissues. Kindness was shining through!


     The response to our assistance was good but not so overwhelming that we couldn't keep up with it. However, we realized quickly that we were only getting to a very small percentage of families who could benefit. Soon there after, a streak of luck came our way! I saw a commercial for the Farmer’s Insurance Thank a Teacher grant. This is a $100,000 grant to be used in a school district. My proposal was to create a REAL Kindness Closet. After many months of waiting, we found out that we won the grant! We now have a freestanding building to house all of our items. The turnout from local families has been great and the appreciation beyond belief!



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